Design and architecture

The first step to any successful construction project is the design. A good design team must have the ability to understand the client’s vision then turn it into coherent plans that allows construction of the project to be done in a practical manner. Ultimately, the design must mirror the client’s vision while ensuring the completed structure maintains the functionality required by the client. In addition, we always need to be conscious of financial constraints to ensure the project is completed within the original financial guidelines.

This can be a daunting task, but PhilX is up to the challenge. Our team is not only creative but practical. We take the client’s vision and work diligently to make sure their vision becomes a reality and within the original budget.

Our extensive background and experience in the practical aspects of the construction industry, also allows us to protect the client from drawings and designs that, quite bluntly, will not be practical once construction has begun. The result of that will be frustration and additional expense. While it may be uncomfortable to hear, we firmly believe it’s our duty, our obligation, to advise our client in advance about any potential problems with the project. A building that cannot be used to its full functional potential will never justify the financial outlay.

Our fees are based on either a “drawings only” contract or a full service agreement where design staff oversee the construction process to ensure it meets all specifications. All drawings come with 3 D renderings in both static and video form so that our client can view the structure as it takes shape.

Suite 409 Portal West Building Silliman Avenue, Dumaguete City.

Contact us e-mail


    Suite 409 Portal West Building Silliman Avenue, Dumaguete City.
    +63(0) 915-488-1914

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