This Valencia 2 unit residential building construction project will provide us with some challenges. These units will be built in an enclosed compound with 3 other existing and fully occupied units. The client has insisted we make every attempt to reduce any inconvenience to her existing tenants during construction. Our first step was to erect hoarding made of lumber and steel panels to isolate the work area from the remainder of the compound, however that itself will creat issues with a reduced work space for our construction. Between our hoarding and the vuilding footprint, we will be limited to less than a meter. The other issue will be construction noise, and though we cannot avoid this, we have agreed to limit our work hour to between 8 am and 5 pm.
With the hoarding erected, we then start on layout, excavation and the pouring of our reinforced concrete footing. As the structural loading involved in this simple 1 story structure is not excessive, we have decided that the depth of our footing can remain at our standard 1 meter and that 12mm rebar will be used.