Site Development for this project involves many different components.
The first thing we have done is build a large bunk house and storage facility. For this project, we will be here for a longer period and have many more workers than normal so we have not skimped on size and space.

The next thing is to dig a well. We have used Rick Rose drilling and he has gone down approximately 130 feet where he has felt that there is sufficient water to supply the water needs of the future development.. This is when we hit our first snag. After hitting water, we found that the temperature was in excess of 100 degrees, obviously hitting the Mainit aquifer. With the steel well casement in for only a month, we found that the acidity of the water had rapidly corroded the pipes. After a water test by the City of Dumaguete water District, the client decided to nix the idea of using this well to supply the community and instead chose to look at installing a heavy PVC pipe that he would then run a warter line from the municipal supply to geothermal heat the hot water supply.

The next focus was to get power to the site, and again we2 ran into problems. Initially the plan was to contract with Noreco to bring in primary power lines form the Barangay roa2d close to 500 meters away, however due to long delays in getting their pricing, and the pressing need to get at least temporary power for construction, we decided to instal bamboo poles and electrical lines to the lot boundary. From there we were to go underground through large PVC conduits. During our first meeting with Noreco, they agree that the bamboo poles would be sufficient for the temporar5y power, however once completed, the on-site inspector changed the tune and demanded steel power poles. this was a cost we hoped to avoid, expecting that in the near future Noreco would come back to us with the primary power pricing , rendering the steel power poles redundant. Again wi2th no choice, we installed the steel power poles and restrung our service drop lines. Regardles2s of these frustrations, we continued with the underground power provisions from the lot boundary to the location where the house were to be built. Every 50 meters we constructed pull boxes to endure we would be able to snake the wires when needed.

Internet tower, supplied and installed by our IT partners Airlinks was put up and energized. Not only will this provide hich speed service to residents of the future community, in the meantime, we can use it for our web based site control system and close circuit cameras.

The next component of the project was the reservoir. This will be a huge reservoir that will store sufficient water for the complete further expansion of the entire community. With the well idea out of the picture, this will now be supplied by the municipal water system.

After the reservoir was complete, we then started on the pump house. This pump house will contain all components of the water supply, pressure and filtration system for the homes as well as the pool.

While working on the pump house, we have also gone ahead with site electrical system, which will run the power from the main electrical feed and be stumped out at the boundary of each individual lot. this is being done in conjunction with the site water systems which will include water supply lines form the pump house as well as grey water drainage.

An added component of the site development project is a washroom and shower structure complete with septic tank. This is required due to the plan for a pool and lounge area as the focal point of the community.