Valencia House Construction Estimate

Making Sure the Client knows the Cost of his Build


The Valencia House Construction Estimate is the next stage of the build process. Whether you are a do-it yourself builder or a contractor, it is important to have an accurate estimate of your proposed build is going to cost.

In our business what we do is schedule a time for us to get together with the client and go “window shopping”. During this meeting we visit numerous suppliers to determine budget pricing on as many items that could increase or decrease the house build cost dependant on the style and quality preferences of the specific clients. With Ron we picked out tentative tiles, washroom fixtures, lights countertops, cupboards and roofing. Though picking out the exact items will be left to the finishing stage, this step enable to base our estimate to him on budgeted amounts. Once these budgeted amounts were determined it was a simple matter of inserting those unit prices into our estimating spreadsheet.

valencia house construction estimate
Valencia house construction estimate picking out materials

The Valencia House Construction Estimate Stage Ensure the Client gets no Surprises

Once we had finalized our overall estimate based on these unit prices we were able to sit down and form a contract for a contracted sum, with an attached annex outlining the budget prices for specific items. Come time to install the items, Ron will be free to pick and chose what he wants specifically and if there is any difference from the budgeted price, a change order will be issued to either credit or debit the price of the construction contract.

In Ron’s case specifically, he decided to budget for these variable items in the mid range of both quality and cost. Though there were things he might desire to upgrade before installation, his final decision will come later and will bear on whether he feels an increase in his cost outlay is feasible at that time.

The overall contract for this build has now been pegged at 2,035,000 Pesos.