DAUIN SEMI DETACHED HOME PROGRESS 06/30 A lot has happened on this construction project since we last posted an update around mid-March. Structural columns and beams made of reinforced concrete. Fabrication and installation of steel roof trusses. Electrical and plumbing rough-in. Parging of walls with cement rendering Framing of the ceilings. Installing fascia , eaves […]
Category Archives: Semi-Detached homes with Beach Access
DAUIN SEMI DETACHED HOME CONSTRUCTION UPDATE 03/15 THIS HOUSE IS FOR SALE (ONLY 6.5 MIL PHP)- IF INTERESTED , PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK https://dumaguetedreamhomes.com/portfolio/casa-alexandria-dauin-community/#sd-duplex-1 After excavation, it is time to prepare and install the steel reinforing rod for the footing ,columns and tie beams. Being a 2 story structure on sandy soil , we use […]
GETTING STARTED Time to start construction. We have laid out the building, taking extra care to ensure that theGETTING STARTED fire wall separation will site EXACTLY on the lot lines. We had our trusted surveyor relocate the mojon markers to make sure this was done right. We then started excavation for the column and wall […]