Though we had been awarded this contract in late December, with the holidays approaching, and the main construction site closed down, we decided to hold off our start until the New Year. Upon start-up in January, the first thing that need to be addressed was the raw concrete floor. The leased area was turned over from the landlord to the tenant , our client Pinoy Partners Outsourcing as a shell, and the concrete floor was extremely rough. As the intention was to use pvc tile flooring, this floor finish was not acceptable, so we poured a thin cement topping with a trowel finish. Once the flooring was complete and acceptable for our tiling, we then laid out the interior partition walls. These walls were fabricated from steel studding and tracks, and will be boarded with gyproc, then taped, sanded and painted. Before the wall boards will be installed, it is necessary to do the electrical and plumbing rough in.