While some men are finishing the ceiling and wall insulation and plywood flooring, other men have started framing the interior partition walls upstairs. At the same time, we have dug into the renovation of the kitchen downstairs, which was a client add on. We have gutted the kitchen and are building a decorative suspended ceiling with valence lighting, ripped out the countertops and cabinet doors, and taken apart the bar counter.
We have also started the finishing of the new upsatirs washroom and are currently doing the tiling. some of the gyproc boarding has gone on the exterior walls and for those we have started to do the taping and putty work.
The stairs are being built using steel framing and will later be covered with hardwood risers and framed in with steel channels and drywal.
Out in the yard, the well is coming along, slowly. We do have concerns about the effectiveness and capabilities with the well driller however this Dumaguete area has very few reliable and professional well drilling companies that are set up properly equipment wise to go down to our target depth of 300 lft.