Since the last construction update, the big push has been on to get all the walls up. The exterior walls are all of 6″ CHB while most interior walls are 4″

Once the walls are up, we formed and poured the remaining column and started on fabricating the steel reinforcement for the future concrete roof beams.

Next, we fabricated steel trusses, and then hoisted them into position. Once trusses were in place, we welded the 4″ steel purlins which will provide the structure for the steel roofing panels

With walls up, we brought in our electrician and plumber to lay out all the conduit roughing for both electrical and plumbing.

While our welders and steel workers were laying out the roof structure, our masons got to work applying the cement rendering to the hollow block walls.

With the main structural elements of the roof framing complete,our men focused on the soffit and fascia supports. At the same time we back-filled the interior of the house, in several layers compacting each layer so as to provide a proper sound base for the reinforced concrete floor slab.

After the fill was compacted, and we did a last check that all plumbing and electrical conduits were in the proper locations, we laid out a steel mesh grid to act as a reinforcement for the slab, then poured the cement floor.

While we had some free men, we decided to start installing the ceiling frame from galvanized furring channels. We also had our roofers on site, who started installing the metal panels attaching them over top of a 1″ foiled skinned insulation. To add extra R value, we also laid out 2 layers of 2″ fiberglass over top of the ceiling grid.

With our masons and cement workers now with less of a workload, we had them start on bout the septic tank and the courtyard fencing.