DAUIN SEMI DETACHED HOME PROGRESS 06/30 A lot has happened on this construction project since we last posted an update around mid-March. Structural columns and beams made of reinforced concrete. Fabrication and installation of steel roof trusses. Electrical and plumbing rough-in. Parging of walls with cement rendering Framing of the ceilings. Installing fascia , eaves […]
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APRIL TO JUNE PROGRESS We now have 3 of the nipa roofs on and have started demolishing the existing water storage tank where the 4th cottage will go. We have applied Zemcoat finish to the wall and begun base coat primer paint. As well we have started the initial phases of the restaurant structure, pouring […]
VILLA CONSTRUCTION APRIL TO JUNE CHB wall construction for the ground floor level Building columns with reinforcing rod, then forming and pouring concrete Stripping the basement roof forms and starting to excavate and prepare the master bedroom suite Building all the roof beams Putting up the Concrete Hollow Block Walls in the master bedroom Rendering […]
MODEL HOME CONSTRUCTION DRONE PICS AND VIDEO For More Info on this Spectacular Model Home https://philippine-islandproperties.com/property/new-home-for-sale-with-ocean-view-near-dumaguete-city/ Dumaguete Dream Homes of MDEI – Kalma Bukid Phase 2
DAUIN SEMI DETACHED HOME CONSTRUCTION UPDATE 03/15 THIS HOUSE IS FOR SALE (ONLY 6.5 MIL PHP)- IF INTERESTED , PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK https://dumaguetedreamhomes.com/portfolio/casa-alexandria-dauin-community/#sd-duplex-1 After excavation, it is time to prepare and install the steel reinforing rod for the footing ,columns and tie beams. Being a 2 story structure on sandy soil , we use […]
HOME CONSTRUCTION UPDATE MAR 15 The first thing we do, like all jobs we start is to layout or “plot” the location where the builing is going to sit on the property. We do this with our surveyor Josh Cabio of I-Sukod to ensure no mistakes are made. We then start excavation whehr the column […]
VILLA CONSTRUCTION UPDATE MARCH 15TH When we started excavation, we ran into a not totally unexpected issue. Being on a plateau in the hills there was the high likelihood that we would hit rock when digging and sure enough it was there. We adapted and decided that instead of doing a large scale excavation for […]
SIBULAN HOUSE- FINISHING THE FENCE AND WALL CONSTRUCTION Just putting the finishing touches on the fencing and this project will be complete after a long 2 years! completing the steel framing and spikes then putting on the the chain link fencing at the South end of the property On the North and East sides we […]
SEA WALL CONSTRUCTION AND FENCING The cottage has basically been finished and turned over to the client, and now it is time to make the site secure and livable. We start with building a 2.2 meter high chb wall along the public access beach walkway. This involves constructing reinforced concrete columns, then filling in between […]
CONTINUING SITE DEVELOPMENT Site Development for this project involves many different components. The first thing we have done is build a large bunk house and storage facility. For this project, we will be here for a longer period and have many more workers than normal so we have not skimped on size and space. The […]